On this 4th day, by the 4 elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air
I declare WOMB
wellness NOT war
I declare WOMB
wellness NOT war
In these 4 elements, on this 4th day, is where my spirit's
wisdom and wellness that
brings strength comes
forth and moves forward
to make it over the
hump of the week (weak)
I light the FIRE of my inner being and spark the DNA of my legacy
I flow with the moment
I flow with the moment
in time as a mutable sign
and a WATER vessel
I breathe in deeply and exhale slowly the element of AIR
I am planted, rooted,
and secure in the
Love of Mother EARTH...
All the energies which each element possess is within we...
(Women Especially)
no matter the sign or time
One element may dominate the mind and body due to its position in the cosmos or sky on the eve of your BEarth (Earthly Birth)
but never be misunderstood;
we (Women Especially) can reach within the WOMB of our being, the cosmos of our WOMBNIVERSE and pull out any and every piece of WE that needs to be UPfront and CENTERED in yOUR being for WOMB WISDOM and WELLNESS
According to many ancient ones, some ancient proclaim we have more elements or forces within, these 4 elements exist within us all as I previously stated and we have to ability to connect, call, evoke, and/or invoke either element, which is also spirit at anytime.
That is the power in our WOMB
That is the power in our purpose
That is the power in our G.O.D. (Gifts Of Divinity)
If we think of ourselves as inanimate objects dead to NaTuRe we will not be able to be all that we can be in the WOMBniverse.
When I say dead to NATuRe, I am referring to disconnection to the spirit in NaTuRe... NTR... YOU!
Many people do not take time out of their busy, corporate comsumed, office restricted, cubicle corner, air conditioned, rolling chair, elevator strolling, desk confined careers, jobs, and occupations to be one with NaTuRe, which is
Y.O.U. (You Own Uniqueness)
I challenge each of US (United Spirits) to view these elements once more and remind ourselves... How deeply related to them we (Women Especially ) really and truly are.
How each of them is a reflection of our highest self...
Lighting (igniting), Flowing, Breathing, and Grounding
How much we rely on or utilize them daily without maybe realizing it...
We cook (with fire)
We cleanse or clean (with water)
We are EARTH (with flesh)
We breathe (with air)
These elements are our spirit's wisdom and wellness that
brings strength and comes
forth and moves US (United Spirits) forward
to make it over the
hump of the week (weak) and life in its fullest.
Lest WE forget...
On this 4th, by the powers of these elements vested in me...we...
I declare WOMB wellness NOT war
May the ancient ones, ancestors, and spiritual ones be with me...we as we move forward through this week and declare ourselves WOMB wise and well this day in fasting, praying, and meditating on our WHOLE wombselves
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