Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

As my soul child(ren) and I journey to wellness through this B.L.O.G. (Basic Living Order of God's Essence) I am humble to have had the love and honor of my ancestors and to have elevated with so many children. I ask my ancestors to continue to protect and guide all the seeds I have planted and all the seeds that have been planted in mine womb mind from generations of children.

I speak the HAMSA Prayer into the WOMBniverse for their sake and safety...

I speak great adventures, endeavors, and success beyond their dreams.

In numerology, 5 represents humanity and humane intent and discplines. In this sense, 5 highly reflects and relates to the human, 5 fingers, 5 toes, and 5 senses.

On this 5th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war... Many people will condemn those who choose to abort their child or support abortion. I am open-minded and most of the time misunderstood because I am a witness of abortion and I am also a witness to people who have children and kill them with abuse: verbally, emotionally, physically and so forth but those same MANY people do not address this fact or thia matter during my being misunderstood. I declare WOMB wellness NOT war by accepting my human self and the spiritual growth it had to undergo to reach the number 5... the humane discipline and intent not to judge (which has never been a trait of mine anyway) but some tend to think that in your defense you are judging but I am only defending my WOMB self with truth that may seem judgemental because it is or was something someone has judged themselves of...

On this 5th day, we (Women Especially) will not project our feelings or thoughts of ourselves on some one else. As the quote stands, I am not what you think I am you are what you think I am.

On this 5th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with the guidance and protection of mine own mind and ancient ones that dwell within my being... my existence... my whole WOMB self and so shall Y.O.U.

May your fasting, praying and meditations lead you to the Goddess or God within and out of harms and evils way... Ase' 

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