Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Embrace the Sacred and Secure sounds of the Womb.... 
The Sacred Sounds of the Womb

The world we live in seemingly seeks to drain US (United Spirits) instead of Nourish and Replenish US... WE (Women Especially) must remain in a calm and receiving state to reach our highest WOMB GLORY. 

This World has taken our innerG (Goddess) through the contamination of our physical bodies with the foods, work, pollution, etc.; the contamination of our minds with music, media, and social media overload and under-appreciation; the contamination of our soul and spirit with minimum spiritual welfare, outlets, stereotypes or stigmas that the world puts on those who are not religious or those who does not practice the more popular religions but rather chooses to seek and/or reclaim an ancient spiritual practice or tradition. 

From this day forth, in times of contamination, WE (Women Especially) shall call our higher selves and listen to the ancient voice of our spiritual guides and Ancestors to become more in tune to the innerG (Goddess) we have lost, forgotten, misplaced, misunderstood, or took ages ago. Literally, ages in the years of our wombman hood and ages in our universe. 

A WOMBniVERSE is drawing near and we must align ourselves with the higher vibra
tions of this Spiritual womb (a place of birth or creation in thoughts and actions for wombmen and men) innerG 

Man I am Man I be Heal my PROstate and set me free.... 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Every WOMBman's Journal

Every WOMBman has had thoughts or actions that have neglected the womb; whether it was not taking a full bath after your cycle, having unprotected intercourse, having multiple partners, not cleansing the vaginal area properly during your cycle (moontime), holding pain and anger, holding grudges, bicycling, running to hard or long, and much more... 
IF you would RE-Member, most of the time it was due to the lack of time or knowledge (information). Statistically, we (Women Especially) have a difficult time RE-Membering our WOMB or sharing our womb glory (story) with our seeds to plant healthier wombmen not because we do not want to or we do not see the need to but we sometimes have past matters that hinder or stunt our growth or we do not have the time. Now, this does not apply to all women and this is not meant to belittle the woman in any form. My heart's desire is that WE (women especially) know the truth and let it set us free to free the minds, bodies, souls, spirits and seeds (children) of their insecurities and in return our own. 

I must admit that in sharing this part of my womb glory I realized I was not informed completely I was informed vicarously through the lifecycle and style of the women in my biological and spiritual family and that is not to place fault or blame it is to know the truth and set them as well as myself free of blame, shame, fault, guilt or any other lesser innerGs and RE-Member the WOMBman in me... that has been there all the time. 
It is said, in ancient spiritual cultures, that the turtle is birthed and left to take care of itself with all the knowledge or information it needs to survive instilled in them innately and by birthrite. 

Turtle Time

I DO RE-Member the WOMBman in me and I honor H.E.R. (honorable energetic radiance) 

Now, for those women who need visuals and I am one of those I began to literally RE-Member the WOMBman and search for the reasons I have had miscarriages as well and I found that I have a tilted uterus and that is not to dim my thoughts and chances of motherhood but AGAIN to know the truth and set mySELF free of fault, guilt, shame, blame, or any lesser innerGs

provided by The Mayo Clinic

For those women who have had uterian matters as it relates to cycles (moontimes) since the beginning of their time which again will include mySELF... THERE IS UNDERSTANDING and MUCH SUCCESS despite the matters... I am a witness!

You are what you eat and what you eat becomes you so know what you are eating and be honest about your cravings and the reason for your cravings. Our emotions (energy in motion) is linked to our food intake and our mental state... RE-Member!

These are not full books but information that can be found on their channels, in their information or books. 
Ase' to the Honorable Ancestor Dr. Sebi for his many unknown cures and lifelong inspiration and information of SELF care and worth

Our men are a direct reflection of our Womb Glory so WE (women especially) can not neglect or diminish the ACTIVE or NON-ACTIVE role they have in our MEMORY... It is all relative and reflective... 

PLEASE RE-Member this WOMB GLORY is Family Friendly and Children inclusive... "Physician heal thyself"
Luke 4:23 
A PROverb for the WHOLE family

From my personal spiritual experience, each one of these books have saved me and I refer to them as my bibles... my holy (sacred) word... the holy (sacred) scriptures of my life... it took 3 years to eliminate 7 day moontimes (cycles) and it took 5 years to be rid mySELF of anemia... WOMB GLORY at its BESt! 


Transforming my palate and INriching my plate with fruits, vegetables, juices and less carbs and more whole grains... LIFE became easier to bare when I did not have the burden of long, heavy, irregular moontimes (cycles)
and uninformed vibes masked as fear to keep me from building my uterus and its walls of strength with Rasberry Leaf Teas, Peppermint Tea, and Chamomile Tea as well as Senna Leaf or Cascara Sagrada to relieve the some of the gas/bloating before my moontime because it came regularly so that I KNEW THE TRUTH and IT SET ME FREE OF ACHES and PAIN.

Now, there is only patience and standards that hold me AND/OR you back AND forward in the WOMB GLORY of CHILDBIRTH and MOTHERHOOD.

May the memories of your womb not haunt you or hurt you but HEAL YOU and HARMONIZE YOU for a HIGHER FREQUENCY in WOMB TUNING...

Give Thankhs for WOMB GLORY!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


What is WOMB GLORY... Stay tuned, watch, listen and ENTERact as these next 9 months bring out the BESt in Y.O.U. with the BIRTH OF y(OUR) WONDERFUL WOMBS...

Prepare a space and time to sit, write and read y(OUR) wombs and HER story, listen and watch how she will open her heart to you and speak from the core of HER being to bring forward the BESt in YOU... 
Light and Love Womb-men

Womb B (Balancers) are quartz crystals wrapped in copper from a MotherEarth tone/color suede waist band to amplify a WOMB's innerG (Goddess) and bring out or actualize the HIGHEST reflection of womb-man in YOU... We all have WOMEN we HAVE and DO re-call SHEROS in our life, this is a moment in time and space to share H.E.R. with the WORLD...



How is y(OUR) womb doing... is it OPEN and WILLING or CLOSED and PATIENT... NO MATTER the WOMB, both have a purpose to BE... 

An OPEN and WILLING WOMB is open to the love, light, harmony, strength and so much more that the universe to offer. She is willing to shed the peace and gratitude her womb brings doing this openhearted moment (time).

A CLOSED and PATIENT WOMB is closed only to invitations of delusions, illusions and ill-wills as well as any other opposing innerGs the universe has been subjected to from the pessimistic minds of the doubtful and fearful. However, she is patient with the doubtful and fearful but will not wait on the doubtful and fearful in vain (and worship her image) she will give them inspiration and courage during this time. She will uplift the likeness of herself in others while she embrace the time and space until she is OPEN again. Reflecting the Moon and its phases of the Waxing Womb and the Waning Womb. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wholistic Womb Wisdom Wellness Wednesday

THE WOMB, in her Warm innerG and tranquil state was attracted to the GENTLEman in his PROstate, a state of masculine advantage. It was in this space that the TWO created THREE and REproduced a S/HERO that was destined to bring order to the chaos of THE WORLD. 



The LIGHT of THE MOON that reflects THE SUN