Wednesday, August 28, 2019

1st day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this 1st day, I declare...
We have something in common... It means so much to me it should be plain to see that 
WE (Women Especially)... 
We have something in common

We are all WOMAN... 

'From Monday to Sunday'

EVEN if you are a man you came from a womb... man! 
This fact doesn't take your rightful position from you Men it heightens your potential and widens your perspective on this journey called life to know you are from such a divine entity and innerG (Goddess) that you should honor and respect H.E.R. as a SAVIOR who saved your life out of the 'Survival of the Fittest' or the rest of the sperm that were striving and squirming to get IN... 

Now, this is not to take no thing away from the essence and 
will of the Most High. 
It is simply a reminder of how important and intricate even delicate the fabric of womanhood and childrearing or raising is and the fact that God, Allah, Jehovah, Buddah, Krishna, and many more... gave the power and purpose to a WOMB... MAN is POWERFUL and means so much to me... it should be plain to see...

On this 1st but last day (with the WOMBniverse) I declare WOMB wisdom and wellness, in the hopes or prayer (the art of speaking) that we (Women Especially) know ourselves as ourselves as well as know our common thread in womanhood and embrace and empower each other... 
as WE rise to our occassion of WISDOM and WELLNESS through the womb and beyond. 

In our own rites and rights, we have more in common than we perceive or are led to believe. 

There is no thing new under the sun but when his MOON returns her siSTARS will appear to brighten her in her darkest hours until a new day comes to carry her on to her next phase... 

Women, our LIGHT and LOVE is divine and it is the will of the Most High (within) and out that we continue to shine... Shine... SHINE!

On this day 1st day, I declare WOMB wisdom and wellness and I pray, meditate and fast that this day as well as the Wednesdays before have been
inspiring and empowering.

This B.L.O.G. has brought many people back into my life to test or embrace my womb self and I am eternally grateful for the UPS and the downs on this journey. 

My dedication to this has shown my womb self approved of commitment to no other than my UNBORN (an ancestor) and SELF.

 It has been a journey worth traveling and worth all the waking up early, staying up late, mind races, feet paces, and 
generational embraces. 

This journey has revealed and raised the wonder women in my genes
I can fit in them!
I do fit in them...
I found strength and resilience in places of my womb self that faced faces of my past self and stood on the shoulders of my ancestors and rose to the occasion of knowing thySELF wholistically.

I AM PROUD OF THESE GENES and ALL the women who stand, sit and bow with grace. 


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