Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

As my soul child(ren) and I journey to wellness through this B.L.O.G. (Basic Living Order of God's Essence) I am humble to have had the love and honor of my ancestors and to have elevated with so many children. I ask my ancestors to continue to protect and guide all the seeds I have planted and all the seeds that have been planted in mine womb mind from generations of children.

I speak the HAMSA Prayer into the WOMBniverse for their sake and safety...

I speak great adventures, endeavors, and success beyond their dreams.

In numerology, 5 represents humanity and humane intent and discplines. In this sense, 5 highly reflects and relates to the human, 5 fingers, 5 toes, and 5 senses.

On this 5th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war... Many people will condemn those who choose to abort their child or support abortion. I am open-minded and most of the time misunderstood because I am a witness of abortion and I am also a witness to people who have children and kill them with abuse: verbally, emotionally, physically and so forth but those same MANY people do not address this fact or thia matter during my being misunderstood. I declare WOMB wellness NOT war by accepting my human self and the spiritual growth it had to undergo to reach the number 5... the humane discipline and intent not to judge (which has never been a trait of mine anyway) but some tend to think that in your defense you are judging but I am only defending my WOMB self with truth that may seem judgemental because it is or was something someone has judged themselves of...

On this 5th day, we (Women Especially) will not project our feelings or thoughts of ourselves on some one else. As the quote stands, I am not what you think I am you are what you think I am.

On this 5th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with the guidance and protection of mine own mind and ancient ones that dwell within my being... my existence... my whole WOMB self and so shall Y.O.U.

May your fasting, praying and meditations lead you to the Goddess or God within and out of harms and evils way... Ase' 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

6th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

Tap... Tap... Tap


On this 6th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with the wonderFULL mind of mine and ALL collectively...

The Sixth Sense

Some hear that title and think of the movie or the quote "I see dead people" and begin to reject the precept or sense.
Let's reprogram our 
minds to what the Sixth Sense 
truly and divinely is... 
without the frightening energy.

We are taught at an early age that we have 5 senses 

However, there has been extensive and indepth research and studies conducted regarding 'The 6th Sense' and whether we believe it or not it is a feeling that arises in us all. Some refer to it as a higher power but it is most respectfully an inner power that in many cases have been tried, tested and proven.

When the young actor in 'The Sixth Sense' begin to experience things he did not know how to explain he became frighten because we are program to think what we can't see is not real or mostly evil. 

That is not always the case, as Vihdi Arora states, "Your sixth sense doesn't always communicate in words. Sometimes, it simply moves you in the best direction for your highest GOoD."

With that being stated, 
Let's MOVE in the BESt direction for our HIGHEST GOoD and WOMB wellness NOT war... 
I will fast, pray, and meditate to be guided by this sense during this declaration that may not always make sense to others but that is why I stated earlier that it is most respectfully an inner power... 
An inner power for your highest purpose or GOoD.
Hopefully, Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness) will join this WOMBniverse and together we (Women Especially) can make sense of it all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

7th day- I declare WOMB Wellness NOT war

On this 7th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with a 
divine insight of 
The 7 WONDERS of the WOMB
(A Cypher of 7)

2 Fallopian Tubes 
2 Ovaries
1 Uterus
1 Cervix
1 Vagina
The 7 WONDERS of the WOMB

The Fallopian Tubes represent the TUBE (Vision) that begins the program of birthing a seed

After the program is set and the vision is clear!

The seed travels to the ovaries and waits for the spERm (for the 'Emergent Room') to program, process and fertilize the Uterus (the WOMB)

The Uterus (WOMB) 
carries the DNA 
(the Divine NaTuRe of Ancestors) and begins to reFLESH and recreate DIVINITY

The Cervix connects the womb to the vagina which is similiar to a peninsula, a stretch of land... a wide motherEARTH that stretches up to 12 centimeters... 12 relating to the 12 constellations 
or space ages.

The Vagina (birth canal) a waterway structured to allow a passage for a relationSHIP between the 'Mother' (Earth) and the ancient ones... 
the DNA... 
the Divine NaTuRe of Ancestors

The Divine 7 WONDERS of the WOMB 

This revelation of SELF for SELF (a cypher of 7) brings clarity of how intrique and powerful WOMB wellness
 is in and for ALL (especially mine mind and body) at this time and all time. With this insight, my experience may have not been so intimidating and my heart's desire is that it keeps me in tune and TONE!


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

8th day- I declare WOMB Wellness NOT war

I figured... (eight) on this 8th day of declaring WOMB WELLNESS not WAR, it would be opportune to share the intrigue essence and presence of the number 8 and the infinite universe as profoundly researched, provided, and explained by Marian Connor of 8intheuniverse. 

She begins explaining how 8 is significant in its form. As she states, 8 on its side becomes infinity. The lemniscate from the Latin lemniscatus is thought to mean decorated with ribbons. 

It has been used in ancient India and Tibet to symbolize perfection, dualism, the unity of male & female and balance. It represents the infinite choices we have in life.

Then, she provides the scientific element of the 8. Here, she states, 8 is the atomic number for oxygen, which is essential to life, transported throughout our bodies attached to haemoglobin in our red blood cells.This element so necessary for existence is also destructive, another illustration of the duality of life.

Next, she explains how there are 8 teeth in each quadrant of an adult mouth. The 8th tooth is the wisdom tooth. 
In mine mind, this relates to the wisdom of infinity and infinite dimensions of our being or existence. 8 is fate!

Lastly, she reminds my 'womb' self how science and mathematics are related and reflective of each other. She provides that, Mathematicians and Philosophers of the Ancient World believed numbers revealed the principles of creation, space and time. Our bodies and the natural world also reflect the properties of sacred geometry. Flowers appreciated for their beauty, colour, aroma and medicinal qualities are thought to be linked to our etheric body through the amount of petals they have. It is thought that the petals represent shapes which correspond to our individual chakras and are linked to our psyche. These connections are interpreted by flower psychometry.

Flower Power! This day to ALL... May the wisdom or wisdome (wise words) and research provided bring LIGHT, LOVE and LONGEVITY to the hears and doers of the WOMBniverse. This piece of peace has set me free in mind, body, soul and spirit in many ways. Being reminded of the infinite essence and presence we (Women Especially) are destined to exemplify daily that reigns within us is empowering. Thus, FLOWER POWER!

As a spiritual womb-man, who strives to stay intune with the universe and its mysterious but definite ways. It brings my 'spirit' self joy to have been led to such a profound description and explanation of the number 8 at this time and space. 

I had to share my appreciation of the information as well as its glory and worth as I share my glory and worth through today's  Wednesday Womb Wellness B.L.O.G. for ALL to view and innerstand. We (Women Especially) are infinite, meaning the essence of our being including the elements (fire, air, water, and earth as well as the womb) which recreates and brings forth life that makes us eternal and everlasting... INFINITE...  8 is Great!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

9th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

"Diamond in the back
Sun beaming on her gem rocks
Clearing and cleansing the scene
With the Aventurine.... oh oh"
(A Curtis Mayfield tune with a Spiritual lift) 

On this 9th day I declare WOMB wellness NOT war 
with the hand I was dealt 
which includes 
The Divine 9
 Literally and Figuratively...
That is Sooo Sweeeet!

As the weeks decrease,
progresses and fills this cipher with WHOLISTIC WISDOM and WEALTH of and 
for my WOMB self 
(and other womb-selves)...

I am more humble and grateful of its purpose and power in me and WE (Women Especially) NOW more than ever.

Peace and Gratitude for those wombs (women) and PROstates (men) who continue to journey with me in spirit or in truth.

May this day be well with deep meditation of your mind, mental and physical fastings, as well as spiritual prayers of your heart

This is bigger than me but not WE (Women Especially) so I salute US (United Spirits) all

This is dedicated to the unborn SUNS, MOONS, and small STARS of the world, with trust that their spirits are reignited and reborn in the WOMBniverse by any means necessary through the divine 9th month process and progress of BIRTH!