Wednesday, August 14, 2019

3rd day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

The Wombman, Man, and Child

A Man and Woman come together and a new face and space is formed that resembles them both... a Child's face and space


Pyramids are usually 
in the heart of an ancient land, 
in the mystery (my story) of a people and displays, reflects and represents the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding 
of a people as well. 

The pyramids are a source 
of life and force that some are 
unaware of or very aware of. 
The science of a pyramid is as delicate and intricate as the mechanics of the heart.
Each (the pyramid and the heart) 
has a base and an apex....
Grounded and Cosmically connected. 

For the Wonder'full' Wombman,
no need to wonder anymore...
I make this connection in honor of 
The Womban, Man, and Child

The Pyramid and Heart...
portals of SELF actualization and love as well as figures of grounding and cosmic energy are also divinely connected to 'The Holy Trinity' and how they as one represents the heart of a land... a people... a nation
as well as 
the knowledge, wisdom, 
and understanding 
of a people. 
The Holy Trinity...
 3 intricate and delicate 
parts of it... 
3 sides of it... 
3 angles to it.

It has the base,
 the grounding part, 
It has the apex, 
the point (of it all)... 
the CHILD.
It has the body, 
the soul, 
the MAN;
that builds from the ground UP 
to the point of it all... 

The heart sits atop the diaphragm and its apex is close to the anterior surface of the thoracic cavity. 
With every beat, the heart 
twists forward and the apex 
taps against the chest wall, producing the apex beat.
This creates the heart as a pump, which is the child that pumps purpose and power into the life in its guardians on Earth.

The base of the heart is the opposite of the apex and 
superior as it forms the upper border of the heart... 
The vessels of the heart form the base of the heart, or the area of attachment (Mother and Child). 
In the opposite direction than the pyramid is to the eyes view... 
the base is at the top of the heart not the bottom. 
Contray to the eyes view, 
some researchers state that the pyramid is as above so below meaning what is above 
ground has been formed 
below ground as well.
All that is left, rightfully belongs to the essence of man, the source that removes waste from the foundation and keeps the 'blood' (genetics) circulating through his release of semen (life) and 
supplying oxygen 
(a clean environment) 
for his Family. 
It is this connection that brings
LOVE to my HEART, and 
PEACE to my PURPOSE as a WOMBMAN with or without raising a child 
from my physical womb.

On this 3rd day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with myself as I remember the divine connection between I and I, him and WE (Women Especially)... 
Mothers and Me, starseeds (children), 
Men and the WOMBniverse)

May this day bring LIGHT and LOVE abundantly to the readers and doers of the Most Highest Power and Purpose within... I fast, pray, and meditate in yOUR honor.

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