Wednesday, August 28, 2019

1st day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this 1st day, I declare...
We have something in common... It means so much to me it should be plain to see that 
WE (Women Especially)... 
We have something in common

We are all WOMAN... 

'From Monday to Sunday'

EVEN if you are a man you came from a womb... man! 
This fact doesn't take your rightful position from you Men it heightens your potential and widens your perspective on this journey called life to know you are from such a divine entity and innerG (Goddess) that you should honor and respect H.E.R. as a SAVIOR who saved your life out of the 'Survival of the Fittest' or the rest of the sperm that were striving and squirming to get IN... 

Now, this is not to take no thing away from the essence and 
will of the Most High. 
It is simply a reminder of how important and intricate even delicate the fabric of womanhood and childrearing or raising is and the fact that God, Allah, Jehovah, Buddah, Krishna, and many more... gave the power and purpose to a WOMB... MAN is POWERFUL and means so much to me... it should be plain to see...

On this 1st but last day (with the WOMBniverse) I declare WOMB wisdom and wellness, in the hopes or prayer (the art of speaking) that we (Women Especially) know ourselves as ourselves as well as know our common thread in womanhood and embrace and empower each other... 
as WE rise to our occassion of WISDOM and WELLNESS through the womb and beyond. 

In our own rites and rights, we have more in common than we perceive or are led to believe. 

There is no thing new under the sun but when his MOON returns her siSTARS will appear to brighten her in her darkest hours until a new day comes to carry her on to her next phase... 

Women, our LIGHT and LOVE is divine and it is the will of the Most High (within) and out that we continue to shine... Shine... SHINE!

On this day 1st day, I declare WOMB wisdom and wellness and I pray, meditate and fast that this day as well as the Wednesdays before have been
inspiring and empowering.

This B.L.O.G. has brought many people back into my life to test or embrace my womb self and I am eternally grateful for the UPS and the downs on this journey. 

My dedication to this has shown my womb self approved of commitment to no other than my UNBORN (an ancestor) and SELF.

 It has been a journey worth traveling and worth all the waking up early, staying up late, mind races, feet paces, and 
generational embraces. 

This journey has revealed and raised the wonder women in my genes
I can fit in them!
I do fit in them...
I found strength and resilience in places of my womb self that faced faces of my past self and stood on the shoulders of my ancestors and rose to the occasion of knowing thySELF wholistically.

I AM PROUD OF THESE GENES and ALL the women who stand, sit and bow with grace. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

2nd day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this 2nd day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war in the honor of the results of 2 diamonds that are formed under pressure and over growing pains...

In the LIGHT and LOVE of how both WOMBman and MAN has the POWER to MAKE, BREAK or SHAPE one another.


A change will come in the joining of the 2 but it is the mind, body, and soul (spirit) of those 2 that will determine the reason for their season (or lifetime), the meaning of their means (the course they enter), or the results of their encounter... whether they make, brake or shape their existence in reality, back to reality, or out of reality. 

No Pressure, No Diamonds!

With this LIGHT and LOVE being given, it is on this 2nd day that I declare WOMB wellness NOT war in this respect and in this perspective of the 2 that creates one... (a child)

I declare WOMB wellness NOT war in LIGHT and LOVE of the change, which has many different ways to travel but is inevitable from the encounter of the 2... 

I declare WOMB wellness NOT war in the honor of those who joined to change the course of their story that began mine... my 'PAIR'ents (parents) the pair of -ent, which is defined as a suffix that forms adjectives, which also denotes an occurrence of ACTION. 
Can you dig it? or CHISEL IT!

We (Women Especially) must be willing to work with each other and on ourselves in the LIGHT and LOVE of UPlifting our worthy men... not all men are worthy all the time but at all times shall we REMIND them of our worth and their worth to reach their HIGHEST purpose even when it does not include us...
Sometimes, we have a purpose beyond MAN as well and we have to be strong enough to withstand the pressure and become a diamond through the rough times with our men in mind and not behind. We can stand facing each other at opposite ends without opposing ends (opposition).

May the WOMBniverse form you in the LIGHT and LOVE in which we were created or formed. As well... remember the diamond that we are becoming and/or have become under the pressure and over the growing pains... 
I shall fast, pray and meditate for this 2 shall be... 

No Pressure, No Diamonds! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

3rd day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

The Wombman, Man, and Child

A Man and Woman come together and a new face and space is formed that resembles them both... a Child's face and space


Pyramids are usually 
in the heart of an ancient land, 
in the mystery (my story) of a people and displays, reflects and represents the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding 
of a people as well. 

The pyramids are a source 
of life and force that some are 
unaware of or very aware of. 
The science of a pyramid is as delicate and intricate as the mechanics of the heart.
Each (the pyramid and the heart) 
has a base and an apex....
Grounded and Cosmically connected. 

For the Wonder'full' Wombman,
no need to wonder anymore...
I make this connection in honor of 
The Womban, Man, and Child

The Pyramid and Heart...
portals of SELF actualization and love as well as figures of grounding and cosmic energy are also divinely connected to 'The Holy Trinity' and how they as one represents the heart of a land... a people... a nation
as well as 
the knowledge, wisdom, 
and understanding 
of a people. 
The Holy Trinity...
 3 intricate and delicate 
parts of it... 
3 sides of it... 
3 angles to it.

It has the base,
 the grounding part, 
It has the apex, 
the point (of it all)... 
the CHILD.
It has the body, 
the soul, 
the MAN;
that builds from the ground UP 
to the point of it all... 

The heart sits atop the diaphragm and its apex is close to the anterior surface of the thoracic cavity. 
With every beat, the heart 
twists forward and the apex 
taps against the chest wall, producing the apex beat.
This creates the heart as a pump, which is the child that pumps purpose and power into the life in its guardians on Earth.

The base of the heart is the opposite of the apex and 
superior as it forms the upper border of the heart... 
The vessels of the heart form the base of the heart, or the area of attachment (Mother and Child). 
In the opposite direction than the pyramid is to the eyes view... 
the base is at the top of the heart not the bottom. 
Contray to the eyes view, 
some researchers state that the pyramid is as above so below meaning what is above 
ground has been formed 
below ground as well.
All that is left, rightfully belongs to the essence of man, the source that removes waste from the foundation and keeps the 'blood' (genetics) circulating through his release of semen (life) and 
supplying oxygen 
(a clean environment) 
for his Family. 
It is this connection that brings
LOVE to my HEART, and 
PEACE to my PURPOSE as a WOMBMAN with or without raising a child 
from my physical womb.

On this 3rd day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with myself as I remember the divine connection between I and I, him and WE (Women Especially)... 
Mothers and Me, starseeds (children), 
Men and the WOMBniverse)

May this day bring LIGHT and LOVE abundantly to the readers and doers of the Most Highest Power and Purpose within... I fast, pray, and meditate in yOUR honor.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

4th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this 4th day, by the 4 elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air
I declare WOMB 
wellness NOT war

In these 4 elements, on this 4th day, is where my spirit's 
wisdom and wellness that 
brings strength comes 
forth and moves forward 
to make it over the 
hump of the week (weak) 

I light the FIRE of my inner being and spark the DNA of my legacy
I flow with the moment 

in time as a mutable sign 
and a WATER vessel
I breathe in deeply and exhale slowly the element of AIR
I am planted, rooted, 
and secure in the 
Love of Mother EARTH... 

All the energies which each element possess is within we... 
(Women Especially) 
no matter the sign or time

One element may dominate the mind and body due to its position in the cosmos or sky on the eve of your BEarth (Earthly Birth)
but never be misunderstood;
 we (Women Especially) can reach within the WOMB of our being, the cosmos of our WOMBNIVERSE and pull out any and every piece of WE that needs to be UPfront and CENTERED in yOUR being for WOMB WISDOM and WELLNESS

According to many ancient ones, some ancient proclaim we have more elements or forces within, these 4 elements exist within us all as I previously stated and we have to ability to connect, call, evoke, and/or invoke either element, which is also spirit at anytime. 

That is the power in our WOMB
That is the power in our purpose 
That is the power in our G.O.D. (Gifts Of Divinity)

If we think of ourselves as inanimate objects dead to NaTuRe we will not be able to be all that we can be in the WOMBniverse.

When I say dead to NATuRe, I am referring to disconnection to the spirit in NaTuRe... NTR... YOU!

Many people do not take time out of their busy, corporate comsumed, office restricted, cubicle corner, air conditioned, rolling chair, elevator strolling, desk confined careers, jobs, and occupations to be one with NaTuRe, which is 
Y.O.U. (You Own Uniqueness)

I challenge each of US (United Spirits) to view these elements once more and remind ourselves... How deeply related to them we (Women Especially ) really and truly are. 
How each of them is a reflection of our highest self... 
Lighting (igniting), Flowing, Breathing, and Grounding
How much we rely on or utilize them daily without maybe realizing it...
We cook (with fire)
We cleanse or clean (with water)
We are EARTH (with flesh)
We breathe (with air) 

These elements are our spirit's  wisdom and wellness that 
brings strength and comes 
forth and moves US (United Spirits) forward 
to make it over the 
hump of the week (weak) and life in its fullest. 

Lest WE forget...

On this 4th, by the powers of these elements vested in me...we...

I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

May the ancient ones, ancestors, and spiritual ones be with me...we as we move forward through this week and declare ourselves WOMB wise and well this day in fasting, praying, and meditating on our WHOLE wombselves

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

As my soul child(ren) and I journey to wellness through this B.L.O.G. (Basic Living Order of God's Essence) I am humble to have had the love and honor of my ancestors and to have elevated with so many children. I ask my ancestors to continue to protect and guide all the seeds I have planted and all the seeds that have been planted in mine womb mind from generations of children.

I speak the HAMSA Prayer into the WOMBniverse for their sake and safety...

I speak great adventures, endeavors, and success beyond their dreams.

In numerology, 5 represents humanity and humane intent and discplines. In this sense, 5 highly reflects and relates to the human, 5 fingers, 5 toes, and 5 senses.

On this 5th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war... Many people will condemn those who choose to abort their child or support abortion. I am open-minded and most of the time misunderstood because I am a witness of abortion and I am also a witness to people who have children and kill them with abuse: verbally, emotionally, physically and so forth but those same MANY people do not address this fact or thia matter during my being misunderstood. I declare WOMB wellness NOT war by accepting my human self and the spiritual growth it had to undergo to reach the number 5... the humane discipline and intent not to judge (which has never been a trait of mine anyway) but some tend to think that in your defense you are judging but I am only defending my WOMB self with truth that may seem judgemental because it is or was something someone has judged themselves of...

On this 5th day, we (Women Especially) will not project our feelings or thoughts of ourselves on some one else. As the quote stands, I am not what you think I am you are what you think I am.

On this 5th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with the guidance and protection of mine own mind and ancient ones that dwell within my being... my existence... my whole WOMB self and so shall Y.O.U.

May your fasting, praying and meditations lead you to the Goddess or God within and out of harms and evils way... Ase' 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

6th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

Tap... Tap... Tap


On this 6th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war with the wonderFULL mind of mine and ALL collectively...

The Sixth Sense

Some hear that title and think of the movie or the quote "I see dead people" and begin to reject the precept or sense.
Let's reprogram our 
minds to what the Sixth Sense 
truly and divinely is... 
without the frightening energy.

We are taught at an early age that we have 5 senses 

However, there has been extensive and indepth research and studies conducted regarding 'The 6th Sense' and whether we believe it or not it is a feeling that arises in us all. Some refer to it as a higher power but it is most respectfully an inner power that in many cases have been tried, tested and proven.

When the young actor in 'The Sixth Sense' begin to experience things he did not know how to explain he became frighten because we are program to think what we can't see is not real or mostly evil. 

That is not always the case, as Vihdi Arora states, "Your sixth sense doesn't always communicate in words. Sometimes, it simply moves you in the best direction for your highest GOoD."

With that being stated, 
Let's MOVE in the BESt direction for our HIGHEST GOoD and WOMB wellness NOT war... 
I will fast, pray, and meditate to be guided by this sense during this declaration that may not always make sense to others but that is why I stated earlier that it is most respectfully an inner power... 
An inner power for your highest purpose or GOoD.
Hopefully, Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness) will join this WOMBniverse and together we (Women Especially) can make sense of it all.