Wednesday, May 29, 2019

14th day- I declare Wellness NOT war

The 14th Day of Amendment... 

According to Merriam webster, an amendment is to change the wording or meaning of and according to the online dictionary, an amendment is a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc. In mine mind both are direct and useful in the understanding of an amendment and declaration of WOMB WELLNESS NOT WAR...

Well, in these publications my story (mystery) is been revealed and chiseling pieces of my peace and ultimately making me whole in a new form or shape for all to see with each week (weakness) that has made me and continues to make me strong... no secrets only sacred moments with the wombniverse do I have and hold.

As women, we are sometimes afraid to speak our truth in fear of what people may think, how those who have mistreated or abused us may feel or think about your freedom of speech but this day I declare WELLNESS and NOT war with ALL due respect, love and peace... 

This 14th day has amended or changed the words that come to mine mind and from my mouth as well as the meaning of my life... this 14th Amendment has brought mine mind and heart back to the 14th Amendment of this land I was born on... Amerykah (America)

where some thought/think it is privacy that we should have a right to when it comes to the matter of abortion, however, in mine mind and heart it is knowledge, wisdom, information (research) that we (Women Especially),
young women,
babies having babies
should have a right to. 

It is the illusion of privacy that has our children, our seeds, our youth and some adults misguided, misled, and/or misunderstood. It is NO THING that you can hide from your soul or  on the soil of this controlled land. There is no thing (PERSON, or place) that is out of reach from the hands of the governing bodies that surround the institutions, constitution, and/or retributions of this land. We may see this as a threat or a problem and in many cases it is. However, this is also freedom but none but ourselves can free our minds from as the late great Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley) stated in his poetic justice and lyrical protest in honor of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey in speech. 

This freedom surpasses the illusion of privacy and brings about a certainty in ourselves that feeds our soul on this soil with right knowledge, information and understanding to amend ourselves accordingly without aborting any parts of ourselves. 

Now, again, this is not to judge anyone's choice this is only to give one and each one... choice!

Therefore, in light of the freedom of the darkness of the illusion of privacy... in the 14th Amendment for and of ourselves as well as in honor of the strong WOMBmen that stood by such great men as Bob Marley and Marcus Mosiah Garvey... Rita Marley and Amy Garvey... I fast, pray and meditate and affirm knowledge, wisdom (information) and understanding as the truth that shall set us free...

Ase', Amen, Awomen, Bless it be, So it be... Peace to the Power and Power to the Purpose

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