Wednesday, May 1, 2019

18th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

Wombniverse, if may I speak openly and freely... I WILL!
(not to be offensive SIMPLY humbly speaking and releasing)

For the Record!

Hopefully, all in attendance or joining this conversation (knowingly or unknowingly) agree open and free is the way a wombman (EVERYWOMB-ONE) should be (of course with style and grace) 
However, definitely open (and I am referring to open minded) and free (of speech that is) 

With that being stated, this declaration is for wellness, which includes sharing and caring NOT war which breeds and feeds competition and misleading and/or misguiding thoughts and actions!

Wellness is sacred!
War is secret!

Growing up with a family majority of women taught mine spirit how and when to react and how and when not to react to the inner thoughts (leading and/or misleading thoughts) of a wombman and surprising a man and child.

On this day, the Eighteenth day of declaring WELLNESS NOT WAR I want to remind the WOMBniverse first, men (which may need to be first) and sometimes children (who have been separated prematurely or unrecognized by either parent (Mother or Father) or even the immediate family members that we are not here to WAR but to get WELL

We (Women Especially) have been miseducated, mislead, lied on, lied to, hurt, harmed, abandoned, abused, misused, and so forth (or backward rather) that we (Women Especially) only need love, peace, good vibrations, high frequencies, truth, honesty and the likes to remain well and/or get well... SOON!

Now, this is not to negate the fact that our men have been mistreated in the above manners as well. However, the Mother is the first teacher and if she is not well all she has to offer will be war and this starts a cycle of genetic destruction before the life of the child even truly begins.

Although, I speak from a place of familiarity and observation. I declare WELLNESS not WAR for ALL... ALL WAYS... ALWAYS!

WOMB wellness NOT war... 
Peace and Love

Longevity also!


  1. May the sacred survive... Wellness is key and secrets will not unlock the door of wellness they will only initiate war... I declare WELLNESS with you Oni Abeni... sacredly and fully

  2. Well said siSTAR... WELL SAID... I salute you
