Wednesday, May 29, 2019

14th day- I declare Wellness NOT war

The 14th Day of Amendment... 

According to Merriam webster, an amendment is to change the wording or meaning of and according to the online dictionary, an amendment is a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc. In mine mind both are direct and useful in the understanding of an amendment and declaration of WOMB WELLNESS NOT WAR...

Well, in these publications my story (mystery) is been revealed and chiseling pieces of my peace and ultimately making me whole in a new form or shape for all to see with each week (weakness) that has made me and continues to make me strong... no secrets only sacred moments with the wombniverse do I have and hold.

As women, we are sometimes afraid to speak our truth in fear of what people may think, how those who have mistreated or abused us may feel or think about your freedom of speech but this day I declare WELLNESS and NOT war with ALL due respect, love and peace... 

This 14th day has amended or changed the words that come to mine mind and from my mouth as well as the meaning of my life... this 14th Amendment has brought mine mind and heart back to the 14th Amendment of this land I was born on... Amerykah (America)

where some thought/think it is privacy that we should have a right to when it comes to the matter of abortion, however, in mine mind and heart it is knowledge, wisdom, information (research) that we (Women Especially),
young women,
babies having babies
should have a right to. 

It is the illusion of privacy that has our children, our seeds, our youth and some adults misguided, misled, and/or misunderstood. It is NO THING that you can hide from your soul or  on the soil of this controlled land. There is no thing (PERSON, or place) that is out of reach from the hands of the governing bodies that surround the institutions, constitution, and/or retributions of this land. We may see this as a threat or a problem and in many cases it is. However, this is also freedom but none but ourselves can free our minds from as the late great Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley) stated in his poetic justice and lyrical protest in honor of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey in speech. 

This freedom surpasses the illusion of privacy and brings about a certainty in ourselves that feeds our soul on this soil with right knowledge, information and understanding to amend ourselves accordingly without aborting any parts of ourselves. 

Now, again, this is not to judge anyone's choice this is only to give one and each one... choice!

Therefore, in light of the freedom of the darkness of the illusion of privacy... in the 14th Amendment for and of ourselves as well as in honor of the strong WOMBmen that stood by such great men as Bob Marley and Marcus Mosiah Garvey... Rita Marley and Amy Garvey... I fast, pray and meditate and affirm knowledge, wisdom (information) and understanding as the truth that shall set us free...

Ase', Amen, Awomen, Bless it be, So it be... Peace to the Power and Power to the Purpose

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

15th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this day, May 15, 1618, Johannes Kepler discovered or resurfaced rather what he calls the 3rd law of planetary motion... Harmonic Law!

In the early 1600s, Johannes Kepler proposed three laws of planetary motion. Kepler was able to summarize the carefully collected data of his mentor - Tycho Brahe - with three statements that described the motion of planets in a sun-centered solar system. Kepler's efforts to explain the underlying reasons for such motions are no longer accepted; nonetheless, the actual laws themselves are still considered an accurate description of the motion of any planet and any satellite.

Now, the following will explain his 3 laws and then my 'womb' self will share how in mine eye it relates to the WOMBman and declare WOMB wellness through WOMB wisdom (enLIGHTment)

Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion can be stated as follows: (1) All planets move about the Sun in elliptical orbits, having the Sun as one of the foci. (2) A radius vectorjoining any planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal lengths of time. (3) The squares of the sidereal periods (of revolution) of the planets are directly proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the Sun...The Law of Harmonies, sometimes referred to as Harmonic Law, compares the orbital period and radius of orbit of a planet to those of other planets. Unlike Kepler's first and second laws that describe the motion characteristics of a single planet, the third law makes a comparison between the motion characteristics of different planets.

It is stated that The Law of Harmonies or Harmonic Law makes a comparison between the motion characteristics of different planets.

This was enLIGHTing (SUN centered) to my 'womb' self, I realized with mine real eye that we (Women Especially) do reflect HARMONY in the likes of our motion characteristics; our movements of different planets (we are on in our minds and bodies). Accordingly to astrology, we are connected to all the planets not only Earth since we do reign in space, although Earth, we (Women Especially) are effected and affected by all (different) planets. Thus, we (Women Especially) are effected and affected by all (different) ways of the world (wombniverse) rather. 

Now... What is sidereal?

A sidereal year is the time it takes for the sun to return to the same position with respect to the stars. Due to the precession of the equinoxes the sidereal year is about 20 minutes longer than the tropical year. The tropical year is the interval at which seasons repeat and is the basis for the calendar year.

Again, the sidereal day is measured with respect to the stars, while the SOLAR DAY is the length of time measured from noon to noon. By noon, it means the time when the Sun passes the celestial meridian, reaching its maximum height in the sky.

Which led my 'womb'self to the revelation of the SIDE of the REAL day (sidereal day) where RESPECT TO THE siSTARS is given which is stronger in its length of orbiting (rotating or revolving) thus, having a longer (stronger) REVOLUTION... SO, WHAT IS SIDEREAL... IT IS (with MUCH respect due to siSTARS) the REAL SIDE!

The 15th day is GOLDEN... enLIGHTening... SUN and STAR centered... May we (Women Especially) be LONGER (and) stronger in our orbit around THYSELF! 

The REVOLUTION will NOT be Televised (and/or tell lies to your vision)

May the TRUTH of our WOMB selves during this fasting, praying and meditative moment reveal its 'womb' self and declare wellness NOT war... Bless it be... Ase'

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

16th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war ft. Micahlette

The BETTER not the Bitter 
Sweet 16th... 

In a world full of opportunities and liberty, it was a hard pill to swallow knowing I was pregnant at 16 and finding out at my sweet 16th party. I didn't know what I was going to do or who to talk to but I remembered Ms. Owens and she remembered me. I didn't think she would even answer or if she would accept me wanting to get rid of my baby. After I called her and left a message she called me right back and I knew she really meant it when she said she loved me. I had known her since I was in 6th grade and she was teaching PreK she started volunteering at my school. She told me her story and I couldn't believe she told me. I cried but I didn't let her know. She was so strong and independent to me I just didn't think she would know where I was coming from or even understand how I felt.  She told me how much she missed her unborn baby and how she thought there was no way she could take care of a baby, go to college, and work because she had already found out that the baby's daddy had someone else pregnant. She was captain of the dance team and had 5 months to go before she could even get out of waking up early and going to school. I remember it like it was yesterday she said if I had known what I know now no one could have kept her from having her baby. She stated that all the walking and hard work she does now is to show herself that she is strong enough and no one else since she saw herself as so weak or unable at that point in her life. I still have the letter she wrote me while I was in the hospital because she didn't come she said it was my Mother that I needed since I had a Mother because some girls really don't have anyone to go to or talk to. She made me appreciate my Mother for all the things I didn't see she did for me like Ms. Owens said just the fact that I could go into my room and turn on lights or go to the kitchen and eat. It was big things that I didn't reealize but now I know she had to love me as well to have provided those things for me, my brother and sister. 

I remember going to planned parenthood and not feeling like they wanted me to have my baby not that they ever said it but the visits were just so impersonal. 
I thank my Mother for being understanding though I didn't tell her for a long time because I thought she would be upset that I told Ms. Owens and not her but all she said was I am happy you felt like you could trust her and didn't have to face it by yourself. Ms. Owens was upset when she found out I hadn't told my Mother and I remember her saying that your Mother brought you in this world no matter how I felt about that and she deserves to know when her baby is having a baby. So I asked my Uncle if he would go with me to tell her. My Uncle and Ms. Owens were high school classmates but I didn't know that until I told her that I was going to ask my Uncle to go with me to tell my Mother. My Uncle and Ms. Owens really helped me get through it with laughter and love. I have a 3 year old son now who is the love of my life and my Mother and I have a open and honest relationship. Ms. Owens still keeps in touch with me and gives my baby something for his birthday every year. She is his GodMother and Auntie let her tell it 😊


I love you Ms. Owens

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

17th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

There are several examples of successful warrior queens, however, Nzinga of Matamba, one of the most important figures in 17th-century Angola, who also passed on December 17th. 

She is who inspires my WOMB self to fast, pray, and meditate 
with patience, power, and purpose this day. 

In her WARrioring energy that was really brought to her for her to defuse by any means neccessary. She really had a kind heart and a eye on life that one would not expect from a woman who was faced and forced to WAR. 

In her honor with much respect, I declare WELLNESS not WAR, which according to HER journal STORY in her deepest darkest hours is all is wanted contrary to what was seen. 

Well, we (Women Especially) know things aren't always how or what they seem.

So, I fast, pray, and meditate in her honor and many other QUEEN WARriors who really ONLY wanted WELLNESS but it didn't seem that way.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

18th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

Wombniverse, if may I speak openly and freely... I WILL!
(not to be offensive SIMPLY humbly speaking and releasing)

For the Record!

Hopefully, all in attendance or joining this conversation (knowingly or unknowingly) agree open and free is the way a wombman (EVERYWOMB-ONE) should be (of course with style and grace) 
However, definitely open (and I am referring to open minded) and free (of speech that is) 

With that being stated, this declaration is for wellness, which includes sharing and caring NOT war which breeds and feeds competition and misleading and/or misguiding thoughts and actions!

Wellness is sacred!
War is secret!

Growing up with a family majority of women taught mine spirit how and when to react and how and when not to react to the inner thoughts (leading and/or misleading thoughts) of a wombman and surprising a man and child.

On this day, the Eighteenth day of declaring WELLNESS NOT WAR I want to remind the WOMBniverse first, men (which may need to be first) and sometimes children (who have been separated prematurely or unrecognized by either parent (Mother or Father) or even the immediate family members that we are not here to WAR but to get WELL

We (Women Especially) have been miseducated, mislead, lied on, lied to, hurt, harmed, abandoned, abused, misused, and so forth (or backward rather) that we (Women Especially) only need love, peace, good vibrations, high frequencies, truth, honesty and the likes to remain well and/or get well... SOON!

Now, this is not to negate the fact that our men have been mistreated in the above manners as well. However, the Mother is the first teacher and if she is not well all she has to offer will be war and this starts a cycle of genetic destruction before the life of the child even truly begins.

Although, I speak from a place of familiarity and observation. I declare WELLNESS not WAR for ALL... ALL WAYS... ALWAYS!

WOMB wellness NOT war... 
Peace and Love

Longevity also!