Wednesday, June 26, 2019

10th day- I declare WOMB wellness Not war

According to Kulture Hub, being 10 toes down is about humility, toughness, and integrity. 
Once a proper handle is gathered on these three values, the hype of being ten toes down becomes much more clear.

According to the Urban Dictionary, 10 Toes Down means 1.To be committed to something. 2.To devote 100% of your support.

As my only Brother 
from another 
use to say often... 
I'm being 1 hundun Sis! 

Some may disagree with this being spiritual and representing WELLNESS not WAR but allow me to explain how this is more spiritual than dressing up in african clothes or native, indigenous, or cultural clothing and seemingly at peace all the time. 
Loyalty (FIRST) is being 10 toes down as well as Humility, Toughness, and Integrity and other upstanding qualities.
Loyalty comes from being true to yourself and ALL THAT YOU COME FROM... 
The Hood (real class)
The Heights (upper class)
The Hungry (lower class)
The Ancestors 
The Ancients
The Anynomous

The Bitter and the Seeet
The Better and the Sour
The UPS and the downs

Beloved King

Your BeautiFULL Story

In mine mind and eye

Loyalty is...
 No matter 
what the matter 
you stand your ground on 
where you coming from...
(humble and respect)
(strength or endurance,
not a mean streak)
(honest, morality, 
and righteousness)

Now, I am not a fan if Nipsey Hussle and only truly became completely aware what he was giving and had to offer after he became an Ancestor.  
I say ancestor because like Tupac, Gil Scott Heron, Marvin Gaye, Ol' Dirty Bastard, and many more; each of them brought strength, power and purpose in the lyrics and love for the people, which is the energy we rely on in dark times for LIGHT and LOVE for SELF, which is most Spiritual and should be recognized as such if you not too Spiritual to recognize where REAL SPIRIT LIVES 
where REEL SPIRIT LIES (fabricate).

While carrying my child and after making the decision I made and losing my child to 
"The Miseducation of the Negro"
dark times did arise not as if they were not present before but it was MUCH and MANY lyrical PRO-TESTS, POETIC justices and this journey that brought me through and continue to bring me though. There is no thing new under the sun so I hide no thing knowing someone can relate in silence or aloud. With that being said, however, I do appreciate my space and respect others without invasion.  
Wholeheartly, through it all I stayed 10 toes down... 
in mind, body, and spirit

I have remained and continue to remain LOYAL to ALL of where I came from and ALL that raised me including MYSELF. 

I have stayed and continue to stay humble, respectfully and FULL of HUMILITY even for those that lacked these qualities.

I have witnessed and continue to witness strength within myself...
I was rough and TOUGH with my lock puffs and rocked on with my GOoD self... Respect to Lady Rage

Even though I was and am sometimes treated unfair, humiliated and disrespected in some ways and in some cases my integrity stands tall

 I STAND 10 TOES down!

I DECLARE WOMB wellness NOT war

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

11th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this 11th day of WOMB wellness NOT war... 
I want to share with you a chapter and a particular scripture
or verse from the biblical text.

However, I want to stated openly and wholeheartedly, that although I choose today to declare WOMB wellness NOT war through a chapter and scripture in the bible. I do not and I repeat (which is not something I prefer to do... repeat that is) I DO NOT souly or solely live by only the words of this religious text.
 There are several sacred writings that I hold in high regards when it comes to speaking and interacting with the WOMBS and ways of the world; the wombniverse.

Ecclesiastes 11 King James Version (KJV)

1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.

2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.

3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.

4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

7 Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun:

8 But if a man live many years, and rejoice in them all; yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many. All that cometh is vanity.

9 Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

10 Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.

The first 6 verses contain a series of sayings about the uncertainty of human industry, and are held together by the fourfold occurrence of the expression “thou knowest not”. Although man cannot comprehend God’s work, nor predict success, he needs to be involved in life’s activities and trust God for the results.

Moreover, with this particular 11th CHAPTER and scripture in mind, I remind my womb self and hopefully others how humble we (Women Especially) shall be to the power and purpose of our being that we knowest not completely where we will land but F.L.Y. (First Love yOURself) and trust that we are destine to be DIVINE as well as trust that what we do know to be true and abSOULute of our womb selves is in spirit and in truth. 
It was not my intent to remove my earthly-motherly experience away from my life's journey at such a young age. I did not knowest thou would be faced with such an important choice with so little knowledge of choices and resources but there I was and here I stand WELL in heart and WHOLE in mind for a greater chance and wider perspective on how to and what to do in the case that the matter (matter as in a baby, a body, and/or flesh)) rising within again!

I trust that though I knowest not how long I must be patient or if I will have the space and time to give birth again. I trust my G.O.D. (Gifts Of Divinity) and choose to live in the moment of the ACTivitieS of the wombniverse and appreciate the results my ancestors, elders, and spiritual guides have to offer or provide... Therefore, on this 11th day of counting down my UPperward declaration and success of WOMB WELLNESS not war... I ask that the Most Highest of my WOMB SELF and others fast, pray, and meditate IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH...

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

12th day- I declare WOMB wellness NOT war

On this 12th day of June... 

I come to you with memory of my 12th grade school year... 

It was 12th grade and my Mother's baby was having a baby... 


I ask myself now more than ever. Well, let me explain... My Mother was harder on my older sister and I then she was/is on my my younger sisters; my older sister and I have agreed... :)
We are 9 years apart... 
me, the middle oldest and the middle youngest. 
My Mother had two sets of sister pairs... 
my older sister and I say she has gotten older and softer on the latter sister pair... :)
My older sister says I was spoiled though but I completely disagree... WE WERE ALL SPOILED in my Mother's own special way. 
We are all of her HEARTS, unconditionally in my 
eyes and heart!

Well, back to the lesson at hand... my Mother's baby was 
having a baby... 
I don't know... as I stayed earlier my Mother was hard on us as well as my Father on me when it came to male friends. I remember in middle school having a pager and one day it went off and it was not my Mother because she was right there. Since, she was the only one that was suppose to have the number (my Father did not even have the number I don't think) my Mother got it because I was in so many after school programs and extra curricular activities she wanted to be able to reach me whenever she needed to she said. So, when she realized it was vibrating and it wasn't her I got a tongue and belt lashing plus my pager taken away. I explained to my Mother who it was and how long we had been talking and how his Mother said they knew each other and how my close friend at the time and whose Mother she also knew was his cousin. She still wasn't at ease. She begin to ask more questions. Long story short, she wanted to meet him. My first love, kiss, and boy 'friend'. After the summer of 99, we went our separate ways. 

With this being said, again I still wonder how this happened. So, I had to really go into my mind and find the time when I met the young man that impregnated me (I know that sounds weird but I don't know how else to say it). 

Neither here nor there, it was Fall 2000, my 12th grade year and as I have stated in a previous publication. I was preparing to go to college. I would be the first generation to go to a HBCU (Historically Black College or University) and I had a full scholarship that my counselor, the best counselor in the world, informed me of and made certain all was well with my acceptance. 

I had admired this young man who stayed around the corner from us in our old neighborhood. He stated to me one day that water was the best thing to the body and how vital it was to breathing and living and it changed my perception of water FOREVER... even until this day. This intrigued me to start walking his way to go to the bus stop for school. He had an older sister who had children that I began to get attached to and I would go by on the weekend walks around the hood with my cousins sometimes to see them and see him as well. It was strange because we had never really been completely intimate but our conversations were thought provoking and stimulating.
He was some ages older than me and I didn't see myself actually being with him because I didn't think he was serious when he stated how much he liked and enjoyed me as well. Especially, after he decided to move to New Orleans. He kept in touch sometimes but it wasn't the same and then one day he tells me he had gotten someone pregnant but he didn't think the baby was his. So, when he returned we meet at his sister's house. Again, I am not certain on how I got out of the house for the night and next day but there I was. Maybe, I was at my Grandmothers, which on the weekends I could have gotten away with that but I can't see me lying to my Grandmother maybe my Mother then but it had to have been a half truth (which I know is still a lie regardless) I had to have said I was going to see his sister's children; that is the only way I can see this happening... SERIOUSLY!
I remember telling him we had to use protection because I could not get pregnant I have too much ahead. I do remember how nervous (feeling like Betty Wright) I was trembling... he had just got back from New Orleans and I missed him so much but I did not know what to expect, however, I do remember the conversation prior and how scared I was but I was so interested in how it would feel since our connection seemed so strong mentally.

I was also involved with someone else but willing to let him go for this man even though it had been awhile since I had seen him  or truly heard from him and I knew we wasn't exclusive. We hadn't agreed to be together before he left for New Orleans or while he was in New Orleans so I could not be upset but I was hurt and disappointed. As I think about it I can't believe how naive or weak I was with so many strengths in other areas of my being. I wanted to know if it was real though. Moreover, one thing was for a fact, he wanted me to get pregnant and I had no choice in the matter at that moment. Now, since we had protection my only thought is that he took it off or the condom must had torn but he swears we did not have protection but I know we did because I got them from 
planned parenthood. 
Needless to say, January came and so did sore breast and extra weight. When I scheduled my appointment at planned parenthood I didn't think I was going to be told at seventeen while still in the 12th grade that I was expecting a child and in front of my Mother who knew nothing of how this could have happened.

Surprisely, she was very supportive and non-argumentative. She was a Mother and friend all in one that day. She didn't ask many questions I mean she had four daughters by this time she knew how it happened maybe not in full detail but she knew it wasn't emalculate conception. She made me comfortable and safe (from her mostly). I told her that the man had already had a baby and I wanted to go to college. 
He was not happy with my decision but he helped and I didn't  really see or hear from him for awhile until I saw him and his third baby's mother a few times after but only in passing. Divinely, we including my Mother have discussed this matter recently, on his birthday actually, which was the date of my previous B.L.O.G. as  a matter of fact. 
In that fact, it was most highly DIVINE and WOMB wellness not war was conquered... mostly... within!
Also, the young man that I was involved with was supportive as well and loving until we decided we were not meant to be together. I do not see him but I do see his family and mutual friends and they have assured me of his forward movements in life. I state this of him as well to give Mothers of the old school and single Mothers honor and respect as well as appreciation for showing their sons how to truly love a wombman and for raising their sons as SUNS, who are bright and full of love to LOVE and HEAL WOMBS... 

On this 12th day, I declare WOMB wellness NOT war
with him and SELF!
I fast, pray, and meditate in love of my unborn that brought life to me in ways unknown. 
To my unborn, I fast, pray and meditate with the WOMBniverse that he or she has risen in a WOMB that loved he or she as I couldn't but do. 
To my unborn, if you find your way back to me in whatever shape or form I will love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly... 
Ase', Amen, Awomen, Bless it be, So be it... Peace and Blessings

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

13th day- I declare Wellness NOT war

It will be 13 years next month that I have lived a vegan and/or plant based lifestyle. It was introduced to me in High School by a classmate of mine who decided it was the best way to lose weight for prom. However, it became an interesting lifestyle to live and led after I was given a vast amount of information via articles, papyrus (scrolls), books, etc. while attending the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff as a member of Ipet Isut Institute, a local and international study group and more. 

Then, it was solidified after a visit to Georgia with that same classmate I spoke of earlier in the year of 2006, July 7 that I made up my mind that I was becoming a vegan and going to live a 
healthier lifestyle. 

Picture it... Marietta, Georgia July 2006, I was battling with letting sea food go for the last 3 months and ordered an appetizer of clam stuffed mushrooms at a diner in Marietta and soon after I completed my appetizer 
I threw it all up. 
That gave me the confirmation and strength to let seafood go and 
I did... COLD CLAM... :) 
If I see something disagrees with my body to that degree I have no problem letting it go especially if or when I know there is something better to partake. 

Although, I have had an up and down relationship with being vegan and living a plant based eating lifestyle. It has been the best most revealing and rewarding experience and influential years of my life.

I have been a fat vegan and not P.H.A.T. (Pretty, Hot, and Tempting) in college when I was not aware of the more healthier foods to partake and ate vast amounts of pastas, vegan processed foods, and at vegan restaurants without moderation.

I have been a skinny vegan and smaller than I have ever been in my life. Since, I have always been a little chunky and as my older sister would say a chubby cuddly teddy bear sometimes when we were younger, I was at times worried but I continued with my journey and began to embrace my body even more.

Then, there is the middle heavy weight vegan champion I am now... :) which, my younger sister says is thickness... 
Whichever, I am at peace with myself but do look forward to releasing some weight this summer... 

Moreover, in the last 13 years I have learned so much about my body and how it reacts, relates and refreshes with each food or nutritional supplement I partake and/or intake. 
I have been divinely inspired by the mental clarity and power this lifestyle has brought and continues to bring forth in my life. 
I have cured myself of anemia and long painful moontimes (menstrual cycles).
I have lived not just a healthier or natural lifestyle by my change in food intake but with my every 
thought and action. 
I work hard to maintain an environment conducive to that lifestyle as well... Gardens are my best friends! I am humble and give MUCH thanks for the will 
and the vessels that make it 
possible to do so.

With that being stated, this 13th day I remember and declare WOMB wellness NOT war with my womb self and the wombs and men who have maintained and continue to work hard to live a healthier lifestyle for our future generations to see... and know that they do have choices! 

It is most about our future generations and our future environment... 

Ase', Amen, Awomen, Bless it be, So be it... 

Peace to the Power 
Power to the Purpose... 

Be WOMBderful (Wonderful) WOMBniverse!