Divine Greetings WOMBniverse
I COME to Y.O.U ON...
As women, we know the matters of our matters (bodies)
Well, I would like to share a journey with ALL of YOU
that reminded me of OLD times but with NEW information (wisdom)
I survived...
As I shared in 'Every WOMBman's Journal' before moontimes, cycles, periods were the death of me until I stop DIEting and begin to live through foods and returned (sankofa) to the natural wholistic lifestyle our ancient ones inherited from the Nile Valley culture.
Needless to say, our moontimes are most definitely connected, charged or drained by the phases of the moon.
Again, I am a witness.
Rituals and Spiritual alignment is in order during these times to strengthen and heighten our experience...
Our Time!
It was Wednesday, it began and it traveled through the remainder of the week ending with the...
SUPER BLOOD MOON as known as, the Wolf Moon (a Spirit animal of mine and mind)
This connected so much for mine mind that had to share the experience or TIME with the WOMBniverse.
According to OMTimes, the significance of a SUPER BLOOD MOON eclipse or Wolf Blood Moon was/is (since it is still in passing) is its power to bring up memories, recurring dreams, and powerful emotions as well as major changes in our lives. Change can show itself in many forms. The move to a different career by choice or not, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, the move to a new home or simply the change in the weather and/or how we feel.

With this in mind and heart, I was able to see my moontime and this moontime through. I felt all of the shifts, changes and the overpowering ego energy of the Leo, wanting to dominate my matters (body) and my mind. I felt the energy of the 'wolf' as well in my quick and firm emotional attachments but the trust of my instincts, intelligence and appetite for freedom to kept me aware and humble to my emotions but not stagnant in my emotions. It is hard sometimes to know and see yourself becoming weak and staying strong enough to recognize the weak be weak but not completely helpless.
It takes womb wisdom in RITUALS!
It was the Light and Love of my honorable ancestor Sobonfu Some' and Forever Conscious that reminded me of ritual. The Leo Eclipse is the last in the cycle, which represents rebirth and the final release and culmination moment to all this energy, an optimal time for ritual.
The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient African Teachings in the Ways of Relationships refers to your relationship with your 'womb' self as well. According to Some' ritual is the call to spirit and ritual keeps order and peace within and out, grounds ourselves, and creates better communication with ourselves and others. This communication is not limited to words but actions as well and your ability to better understand the words and actions of people while being open, mindful and aware of people's words and actions; their communication with you. Likewise, your complete communication with yourself. Ritual brings spirit out of us and in to our lives again.
As we return to our wombman's journal, I had to do a ritual to better understand what my body was seeking to convey, to better communicate with my womb. It was 'red' noise from the blood of my womb and from the blood of the moon that began to rise, merge and confuse me with memories, recurring dreams and powerful emotions that I had to WISE UP and REmember RITUAL
In the past, I have rarely and quietly spoke of my moontime experiences but this journey through WHOLISTIC WOMB WISDOM and WELLNESS brings out the WOMB in me... I can not be afraid...
It is my WOMB a HEALING!
~Queen Afua and Sacred Voices
I will share with all of you the site that gave me INsight to my INside...
This ritual is best done from January 20th- February 1st or
on February 20th-21st, 2019
For those who know and remember, the Wise Women of our Ancient ways do not and probably will not follow the ritual provided as given (I did not but I did honor its source and I am grateful for the inspiration and motivation of ritual). This is a divine start and reflection of our ancient ways. I was in divine spirits and great energy to see Palo Santo. If you have ever been in my presence, you know my connection, honor, and love with and for Palo Santo. It is most definitely HOLY (sacred) WOOD, in all its properties.
The following prayer was powerful and purposeful during my moontime and this moontime.
It is divine for ritual!
May it bring Y.O.U....
I honor the changes that have been made to my body, mind, and soul. I honor the changes of the season for I have really grown. I ask Mother Moon, my HIGHEST self, my angels, and my guides to lead me to my highest path so I may rise. I rise up now to all that I have become. I rise up now as strong as the Sun. I ask for guidance, I ask for peace, I ask for this next chapter to bring me release. I ask for love, I ask for money, I ask for purpose, and the courage to follow my heart; to always be guided even when in the dark. I ask for health, I ask for joy, I ask for all to be well. Body, mind, and soul hear my calls. My wish is now fulfilled.