Wednesday, December 26, 2018


a WOMB aWAKENING is inspired by my moontime experience this month. However, as the thoughts began to rise and shine through my spirit,  I also remembered a Sacred Wombman hymn from the Sacred Wombman Journey lead and guided by WiseWombman, Goddess, Empress Queen Afua.

My Moontime Journey past and 'PRESENT', I say PRESENT, because as I grew older and WISER, the GIFTS of Divinity began to return to and through me.  Overtime, my moontime became a 'time' I gifted myself with silence, a fast or raw food intake, resilience, deeper journaling, nature walks, copper crystal adornments, spiritual tunes (thus, the vivid memory of Queen Afua and Sacred Voices), womb steams or yoni steams, and so much moor... concluding with a rose water spiritual cleansing bath. 

WOMB Balancers
(copper crystal adornments; refer to A WORLD of WOMBS shared on 11/14/18)

Palo Santo (a wise aroma for wellness)

Spiritual Cleansing with Rose water and Roses

I do not listen to Sacred Wombman as I did in the beginning,  however, this moment has brought it back to me and inspires my spirit and soul to move with those spiritual tunes again... Give Thankhs

Sacred Woman Medicine Song
Queen Afua and The Sacred Voices

While in the past, I remember my first moontime I was 11 years old in the 7th grade in an old city, however, with a new mind and body (apparently) we (My Mother, sisters and I had recently relocated back to Arkansas. Now, in the house my Grandfather inherited to my Mother and her siblings. My Mother, the oldest sibling) became willing and available to manage the property for the time so we moved to a neighborhood that was full of surprises. To remember my moontimes is painful and  pleasurable. In the beginning, it was interesting to say the least I remember we were in the den watching T.V. when I had to use the bathroom and noticed I had red spots in my underwear. I kept it a secret for awhile in the bathroom until they came looking for me. I was not fully aware of what it was or what was to come... it was pain. I would bleed heavily with clots for 7 days and fant from time to time, I remember my Mother having to check me out of school somedays because I would be so drained and tired during this time. It was 7 years later that I would come into the wholistic wisdom of Moontimes and transform my entire lifestyle to become a wiser wombman of Moontime moments. 

A MESSAGE to ourSELF as somewomb who know and embrace our natural SELF

I became a vegan and embarked on a healthier eating and natural lifestyle. I began to see a change immediately. My moontimes became shorter I was down to 5 days by 2008 and down to 3 days by 2013. In the past, my moontimes were sporatic or unpredictable rather than arriving every 28 days (waning and waxing with the moon) as it was meant to do thus the term 'moontime'.

Moontimes are times to reflect and perform rituals to honor and strengthen your cycle in and of life.

 In my past, moontimes were not known to be recognized and treated as sacred moments of inner and deeper connections with self. However, my Mother did her best to make time pass with minimum pain and moor pleasure. For that, my thoughts of my mootimes are mostly of my Mother and I striving to figure out my body.

Returning to the 'PRESENT', the gift of a WOMB aWAKENING... This account is a WOMB aWAKENING to its PURPOSE... PEACEFULLY.
I say PEACEFULLY, because somewomb else may relate to my story and be angry (as other wombmen have admitted in the Sacred Wombman Journey lead and guided by WiseWombman, Goddess, Empress Queen Afua. As for me and my house (temple) we (limbs and all) will give thanks for my experience... PAST and 'PRESENT'.

Embrace ALL with ALL

NOW, I know the difference between a WOMB aSLEEP and a WOMB aWAKENING and I seek to STAY WOKE

Erykah Badu and Queen Afua

Am I stating, all should return and reclaim a wholistic lifestyle... YES! However, am I stating it because I 'think' it is BESt... NO... I KNOW!
It takes time and sometimes WE (Women Especially) think or feel it is too late to turn back(sankofa) or reclaim 'The WOMBS of Time'. However, those wombs who are seeking a different way of living.. Actually, LIVING...  Wholistic living is where it is at!


Wholistic living is HOLY (sacred) and our bodies are meant to be the same. Why not, check it OUT and get IN formation for your OPTIMAL Health and WELLNESS... This is WISE... WombMAN!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Steel WOMB Rise...

An excerpt from 'STILL I RISE', which is where the inspiration for STEEL WOMB RISE arose
STEEL WOMB RISE is play on the words of our PHENOMENAL WOMBman

Although, STEEL WOMB RISE, is a 'play' on H.E.R. words it is SERIOUS... SERIOUS in the meaning of these words and 'ACT'ion from the hearing of these words.

What is the reason for STEEL WOMB RISE???

Steel WOMB Rise seeks to share a WOMBman's sexiness (the essence of her sex: a female, wombman, and feminine innerG[energy]) as well as the respect a WOMBman deserves no matter how weak she may seem to the world in H.E.R. (Honorable Energetic Radiance) expression of her sexiness. Some people think that when a Wombman begins to dress UP, apply make UP, walk UPright, cater to men (as her feminine essence commands her to do if and when she is truly embracing her 'sex'uality), dance, prepare meals, clean her sacred space, or care for the young she is becoming a weak woman. 
Au contraire, my friend, WE (Women Especially) speaking (in my French voice) She is becoming the complete opposite and despite the New World Orders, she is WHOLE and WELL aware of her Old (ancient) WOMB Orders and her STEEL WOMB RISES!

So with ALL due respect, if and when WE (Women Especially) think that we are becoming weak in these 'ACT'ions. REMEMBER, it is the essence of your SEXINESS, your WOMBhood (womanhood), your feminine touch that puts things back into their RITEful (rightful) perspective

It was brought to my attention, the POWER and PURPOSE of Cuddling and Touching during a Sacred Energetic Xchange with The Founder and friends of Fearless Giving

It is a fact that these 'ACT'ions strengthens the WOMB, the WOMAN or the special (signficant) other during this misunderstanding of a STEEL WOMBman RISING....

The POWER, PURPOSE, and PEACE of a STEEL WOMB RISING comes from H.E.R. remembering the OLD (ancient) world (womb) ORDERS, the spirit and truth of our FOREMOTHERS... GRANDmothers and GREAT-GRAND Mothers who may have wore their heart on their sleeves but their WOMB was always in mind... the SEXINESS, the feminine innerG and sacred wombman that MAY (has the permission) lay dormant in Y.O.U. (Your Own Uniqueness) but MAY also RISE as well!

Get your SEXY back and BE NOT AFRAID to wear or share your SEXY but DO NOT compare it... Every WOMB was created equally but separately. Although, the origin of each WOMB is the same, time and space (memory) gives and takes pieces (peaces) of it that the next WOMB knows NOT until it is revealed. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Every WOMBman's Journal ft. Black Canary

Happily Never Happened

Happily Never Happened for me... 

I thought we were meant to be. We loved each other enough to bring a child into this world. I thought he would be different because WE wanted this. He went to the doctor's appointments with me. He watched as my belly grew. He felt the baby kick and move around. I knew this was for us. I wanted this life. 

Well, it was all a lie!

He didn't change and he wouldn't change even for his only son. The son we both prayed for. His lies continued. His looking and talking to other women continued. His not having a job continued. His selling dope continued. His life continued. My life changed forever... 

I had a son to raise. I realized that I would be doing this alone. We were married so it wasn't a girlfriend/boyfriend situation. We said our vows before God. I held my vows but he did not. Things only got worse. We argued everyday about something. I had enough. I told him that he had to go. I couldn't continue to be in this toxic relationship. I needed better for myself and son. He moved out and moved into his own place. Soon after, he was living with this chic. Yes, I was hurt and angry. He moved on so quickly. Well, it didn't last long. He moved on to the next one. This time he married her. I knew of her. We were still married when he was playing the field with these females. I filed for a divorce. I was finally free. At least, I thought I was. 

Our relationship is nonexistent now. It will probably be like this forever. I have always encouraged him to do right by his oldest child. I told him who cares what the Mother does with the money. Send it to her. It's for your child. I encouraged him to spend time with his child. He would but then drop his child off at his mother's house. You would think he would do right by my son. Nope. He didn't change a bit. He didn't support his son or tried to spend time with him. Once he got married, he moved away. He didn't have any contact with my son. He didn't pay child support. He didn't call to check on him. It was like my son didn't exist anymore. I had to do what I had to do. To this day, he still isn't doing what he needs to do. He has his son's cell number. We haven't moved out of the house we all lived in. My number is still the same. He doesn't have to go through me to have a relationship with his son. For whatever reason, he doesn't have one. 

It was his choice...

Were the red flags there? Yes. Did I ignore the red flags? Yes. Did I believe him when he said he would change for his son? Yes. Would I do this all over again? No. Ladies, when you see the red flags, run. Run, do not stop and try to put the pieces together.  Run, run, run and don't stop. We have this inner voice that guides us. It's up to us to listen and heed the warning. I didn't listen even though she was yelling and screaming at me to run. Why didn't I run? I wanted to be loved. I wanted to give love. I wanted love. I wanted him and this fairy tale life. I didn't get any of that. The only thing I did receive was my blessing. 

My son is my blessing!

Now, did I repeat my mistakes with another man? 

No. I had to love myself first! 

You can't make a man love you. 

Love Y.O.U. First!
First Love Y.O.U... 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The reSILiENT WOMB and PROstate

A reSILiENT WOMBman and PROstate is a SILENT Woman and Man

In H.E.R. (Honorable Energetic Radiance) stance is a statement 
In H.E.R. glance there is determination
In H.E.R. rant there is reason
In H.E.R. peace there is gratitude 
In H.E.R. power there is purpose

AND The reSILiENT WOMBman begins...

This may be hard to see or trust but men journal as well and shall journal with society's expectations and family responsibilities it is definitely some things to write and reflect on through the days, weeks, months, years, moments, etc.

In H.I.S. (Honorable InnerG(od) Strength) stance there is power
In H.I.S. glance there is peace
In H.I.S. rant there is order
In H.I.S. peace there is understanding
In H.I.S. power there is love

In Rituals and Ceremonies is where The reSILiENT WOMB and PROstates dwell...

There are NO Boundaries but BOLDNESS in Brotherhood

Through patience and perseverance... The reSILiENT WOMB and PROstate is born and lives... 
Be reSILiENT Woman and Man