Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Let's MARCH into our WOMBselves

This journey within mine womb has been revealing and resilient...

Each week made mine mind and body strong. It has brought light and love from places withIN and OUT that were unknown to my own 'womb' self. 

My heart's desire is that each of you known or unknown has found strength in your weeks (weaknesses) and are ready to MARCH into the Wombman's Month with POWER and PURPOSE... 

Please join the next phase or (Trimester) TRY and MASTER ourselves even moor in the March for HERstory!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Raise the Womb


This publication has been in mind and in the makings for 'quiet' some time. 
It is meant to RAISE the WOMB to its purpose and power.

The WOMB is a powerful creativity center and it can be raised right or wrong (not necessarily wrong but in a way that you did not intend) if you are not careful and mindful of what you feed it MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY!

Raising the WOMB is a delicate process but a rewarding progress. 

Raising the WOMB is an honor and what's so special in raising a WOMB is anyone can do it... WOMBman, Man, or Child! 

Yes, the WOMB is within the WOMBman but it belongs (naturally) to the village. 
Thus, it takes a village to raise a child... 


Now, please do not mis-take that notion as negative. It does not denote that you are the village's property but rather the village's PRIZE POSSESSION....

A PRIZE POSSESSION is a gift, a divine ASsET, and a reward!

A PRIZE POSSESSION is an OUTstanding honor... Although, the WOMB is withIN it STANDS OUT in the village (especially, when it is carrying a child) 

A PRIZE POSSESSION is a rewarding title, literally!

With that being stated, we (Women Especially) must be the first to RAISE our WOMBS. We must not allow chaos to control, dominate, or overshadow our love and light. Neither, shall we disallow love and light to enter our WOMBS!

We must become one with our WOMBS and the village that surrounds it. The people, places, and things (including animals) are a reflection of us in some way. Now, we are not to mis-take this as we are our village but we represent our village meaning we lead by example and follow by leading an exemplifying lifestyle that our village could and should respect and honor.

We must become better not bitter from our past or in our present matters.

Raising the WOMB is a phrase that pays much attention to the WOMBman and the village that carries the child.

In all, if we do not RAISE our WOMBS properly to their purpose and power we will FAIL our VILLAGE and in return (sankofa) our CHILDREN... ourSELVES!

How do we RAISE the WOMB?

By putting the WOMBman first, not to belittle or downplay the role or ACTion of the MAN but to strengthen the role and ACTion of the MAN.

If we put our WOMBS first...

Our children will be first and foremost

Our creativity will be heighten and our village will thrive in H.E.R. (Honorable Energetic Radiance)

Our village will be at ease and free of dis-ease

Our homes will be next to Godliness

Our plates will be filled with life and not death

Our minds will be free to seek new ideas and endeavors for our family and village as whole


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Every WOMBman's Journal ft. The Honorable 'Natural' Maya Angelou

In H.E.R....
'Natural State'


In my young years I took pride in the fact that luck was called a lady. In fact, there were so few public acknowledgments of the female presence that I felt personally honored whenever nature and large ships were referred to as feminine. But as I matured, I began to resent being considered a sister to a changeling as fickle as luck, as aloof as an ocean, and as frivolous as nature. The phrase 'A woman always has the right to change her mind' played so aptly into the negative image of the female that I made myself a victim to an unwavering decision. Even if I made an inane and stupid choice, I stuck by it rather than 'be like a woman and change my mind.' 

Being a woman is hard work. Not without joy and even ecstasy, but still relentless, unending work. Becoming an old female may require only being born with certain genitalia, inheriting long-living genes and the fortune not to be run over by an out-of-control truck, but to become and remain a woman command the existence and employment of genius. 

The woman who survives intact and happy must be at once tender and tough. She must have convinced herself, or be in the unending process of convincing herself, that she, her values, and her choices are important. In a time a nd world where males hold sway and control, the pressure upon women to yield their rights-of-way is tremendous. And it is under those very circumstances that the woman's toughness must be in evidence. 

She must resist considering herself a lesser version of her male counterpart. She is not a sculptress, poetess, authoress, Jewess, Negress, or even (now rare) in university parlance a rectoress. If she is the thing, then for her own sense of self and for the education of the ill-informed she must insist with rectitude in being the thing and in being called the thing. 

A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but a woman called by a devaluing name will only be weakened by the misnomer. She will need to prize her tenderness and be able to display it at appropriate times in order to prevent toughness from gaining total authority and to avoid becoming a mirror image of those men who value power above life, and control over love. 

It is imperative that a woman keep her sense of humor intact and at the ready. She must see, even if only in secret, that she is the funniest, looniest woman in her world, which she should also see as being the most absurd world of all times. It has been said that laughter is therapeutic and amiability lengthens the life span. Women should be tough, tender, laugh as much as possible, and live long lives. The struggle for equality continues unabated, and the woman warrior who is armed with wit and courage will be among the first to celebrate victory.
~Maya Angelou

WOMBman Work

I've got the children to tend 
The clothes to mend 
The floor to mop 
The food to shop 
Then the chicken to fry 
The baby to dry 
I got company to feed 
The garden to weed 
I've got shirts to press 
The tots to dress 
The can to be cut 
I gotta clean up this hut 
Then see about the sick 
And the cotton to pick. 

Shine on me, sunshine 
Rain on me, rain 
Fall softly, dewdrops 
And cool my brow again. 

Storm, blow me from here 
With your fiercest wind 
Let me float across the sky 
'Til I can rest again. 

Fall gently, snowflakes 
Cover me with white 
Cold icy kisses and 
Let me rest tonight. 

Sun, rain, curving sky 
Mountain, oceans, leaf and stone 
Star shine, moon glow 
You're all that I can call my own.
~Maya Angelou

Our GRANDMothers

She lay, skin down in the moist dirt,
the canebrake rustling 
with the whispers of leaves, and 
loud longing of hounds and 
the ransack of hunters crackling the near 

She muttered, lifting her head a nod toward
I shall not, I shall not be moved. 

She gathered her babies,
their tears slick as oil on black faces, 
their young eyes canvassing mornings of madness. 
Momma, is Master going to sell you 
from us tomorrow? 

Unless you keep walking more 
and talking less. 
Unless the keeper of our lives 
releases me from all commandments. 
And your lives, 
never mine to live, 
will be executed upon the killing floor of 
Unless you match my heart and words, 
saying with me, 

I shall not be moved. 

In Virginia tobacco fields,
leaning into the curve 
of Steinway 
pianos, along Arkansas roads, 
in the red hills of Georgia, 
into the palms of her chained hands, she 
cried against calamity, 
You have tried to destroy me 
and though I perish daily, 

I shall not be moved

Her universe, often
summarized into one black body 
falling finally from the tree to her feet, 
made her cry each time into a new voice. 
All my past hastens to defeat, 
and strangers claim the glory of my love, 
Iniquity has bound me to his bed. 

yet, I must not be moved.

She heard the names,
swirling ribbons in the wind of history: 
nigger, nigger bitch, heifer, 
mammy, property, creature, ape, baboon, 
whore, hot tail, thing, it. 
She said, But my description cannot 
fit your tongue, for 
I have a certain way of being in this world, 

and I shall nor, I shall nor be moved 

No angel stretched protecting wings
above the heads of her children, 
fluttering and urging the winds of reason 
into the confusions of their lives. 
The sprouted like young weeds, 
but she could not shield their growth 
from the grinding blades of ignorance, nor 
shape them into symbolic topiaries. 
She sent them away, 
underground, overland, in coaches and 

When you learn, teach.
When you get, give. 
As for me, 

I shall not be moved.

She stood in midocean, seeking dry land.
She searched God's face. 
she placed her fire of service 
on the altar, and though 
clothed in the finery of faith, 
when she appeared at the temple door, 
no sign welcomed 
Black Grandmother, Enter here. 

Into the crashing sound,
into wickedness, she cried, 
No one, no, nor no one million 
ones dare deny me God, I go forth 
along, and stand as ten thousand. 

The Divine upon my right
impels me to pull forever 
at the latch on Freedom's gate. 

The Holy Spirt upon my left leads my
feet without ceasing into the camp of the 
righteous and into the tents of the free. 

These momma faces, lemon-yellow, plum-purple,
honey-brown, have grimaced and twisted 
down a pyramid for years. 
She is Sheba the Sojourner, 
Harriet and Zora, 
Mary Bethune and Angela, 
Annie to Zenobia. 

She stands
before the abortion clinic, 
confounded by the lack of choices. 
In the Welfare line, 
reduced to the pity of handouts. 
Ordained in the pulpit, shielded 
by the mysteries. 
In the operating room, 
husbanding life. 
In the choir loft, 
holding God in her throat. 
On lonely street corners, 
hawking her body. 
In the classroom, loving the 
children to understanding. 

Centered on the world's stage,
she sings to her loves and beloveds, 
to her foes and detractors: 
However I am perceived and deceived, 
however my ignorance and conceits, 
lay aside your fears that I will be undone, 

for I shall not be moved.
~Maya Angelou

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Womb Warrior (not Worrier)

We (Women Especially) have the responsibility and power to be free from worry. A warrior is one who is brave and experienced not only in war but in peace as well. It is the WARRIOR that brings peace in the time of war and it is the WARRIOR that brings war in the lack of peace. The WORRIER brings nothing because (in this case...) She is filled with doubt and fear. She is not at peace and she is not aware of war. The WORRIER is not experienced and lacks bravery.




The women we surround our 'womb' selves with is our cipher or circle...
Our WOMB Circle...
We (Woman Especially) need women that are willing to cry, laugh, sing, and dance with us through it all with love and loyalty.

This makes WARRIORS and not WORRIERS!

When you are secure, safe and satisfied with the women you have chosen and those women who have chosen you to carry love and loyalty with them in WOMB ciphers or circles... 

You become a WARRIOR and NOT WORRIER....

We become strong in our WOMBS and passionate the message each WOMB has entrusted in us

We become at ease and free from dis-ease

We become wise and well in our 'womb' selves

We become sacred and our BESt kept secret

We become powerful and full of purpose


The Papayoni is full of nourishment for the WHOLE WOMB